Sports & Recreation Facilities
Sapcote Recreation Ground was created by a conveyance of land on 2 December 1954 to the Parish Council, for the sum of £950, to be held in trust for the people of Sapcote. In December 1966 a Foundation was created under Section 18 of the Charities Act 1960 which established the Parish Council as Custodian Trustee of the ground and the Recreation Ground Management Committee (SRGMC) as the Managing Trustee. The Custodian Trustee and Managing Trustee are separate legal entities. It also charged the Managing Trustee with setting up a committee of management comprising representative members of local organisations, groups and users of the ground. The SRGMC has charitable status.
The objective of this scheme is the provision and maintenance of the playing field and its ancillary facilities. Under the scheme, the Committee, if they think fit, may also provide a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish of Sapcote. This has been done in collaboration with the Parish Council.
The playing field is a designated Scheduled Ancient Monument and accordingly the approval of English Heritage is required before any works can be carried out on the grounds.
The buildings located on the grounds are the Pavilion, the sports changing rooms and the scout hut.
The main sports carried out on the ground are football, cricket and croquet.
Under the Fouling of Land by Dogs (Blaby) Order 2008, dog owners are now required to pick up dog mess on all public land, or private land where they are entitled to enter, within the District of Blaby, this equally applies to the playing fields.
The Pavilion and pitches are community facitities available for hire. (for contact name see Community and Event Venues).
Field and Building Management
- Maintenance of field Perimeters
- Provision and maintenance of play equipment including weekly/monthly inspections and annual RoSPA inspections.
- Grass Cutting, hedge and tree maintenance.
- Building repair, maintenance and cleaning.
- Building lettings.
Sapcote News
- Oversee production and distribution and meet financial obligations.
Finance (Main items)
- Parish Council annual donation
- Pitch hire
- Building lettings
- Donations
- Field, play equipment and building maintenance
- Utilities
- Cleaning and caretaking
- Insurance